Be Well-Stay Well™ is a global community of independent studios, clinics, and practitioners that share the highest quality wellness methods and practices, providing live and on-demand classes to our subscribers. Our vision is to provide our subscribers access to engaging classes, from high quality practitioners, at any time and from any location worldwide.
who has had to reduce much of your in-person offerings? Between all the changes you've had to make within the studio to adapt to changing times and with trying to keep teachers busy with free or cheap online classes, these efforts are exhausting and disheartening as they aren't doing much to grow your business at a fast enough rate to keep up with the bills.
who is discovering that sharing what you do in an online format is actually fun and you'd like to take things to the next step, but you're stuck. Researching what it takes to have a viable online program seems overwhelming and quite honestly, a little intimidating, especially when you may not already have a large online following.
who understands the importance of mindful and intelligent movement as part of the big picture for your patients/clients, but it is difficult to find high quality content that you would feel comfortable referring out to your patients/clients.
Instead of trying to figure it out on your own, paying a ton of money to some corporate entity for advertising or training, or even just giving up, let's imagine the possibilities when we combine our knowledge, resources, and audiences become part of something bigger.
Being part of the movement about movement can help us all rise up. The Be Well-Stay Well™ Membership is about helping our clients reach their greatest potential. As an affiliate of the Be Well-Stay Well™ program, you can make a difference.
In addition to the clients that you refer getting an amazing value through high quality live movement instruction, accountability, and connection through a shared experience, your involvement as a referral source and possible guest contributor enables you to...
There are opportunities to generate additional income with referrals to select Be Well-Stay Well™ programs.
Be Well-Stay Well™ members appreciate the value of what we have to offer as movement practitioners in an online format. Having a presence on this platform can be a jumping off point for your own program, book, product, or service.
Classes and content on Be Well-Stay Well™ undergo rigorous quality review for both content and quality of production. Given our high standards, these classes will give you piece of mind that your patients/clients are in good hands.
You create opportunities for growth.
Being an active Be Well-Stay Well™ Affiliate means that you'll be listed on our Network page that can help your business be seen by a broader audience of clients who already see the value in movement an online format.
Being able to directly interact with your potential dream clients in real time is the fastest way to build that "know, like, trust" factor that can translate to real customers who want to get more access to you and your programs or products.
As you start to develop and expand your own programs, you'll appreciate the help in how to navigate the unique challenges in the online world. We'll help you learn how to better utilize the online platform to grow your business.
Get access to an affiliate portal where you can receive and track the progress of your unique "share link." We'll also list you on our website as part of the BWSW network to help you get exposure.
Promote Be Well-Stay Well™ on your website, directly to your clientele as an added service, or as a referral service for those looking for high quality Pilates & movement resources targeted towards the 45+ year old audience using your unique referral link.
At your discretion, submit classes, sessions, workshops, etc. to be considered as part of the Be Well-Stay Well™ programming for live or on-demand delivery.
Take a tour inside the Be Well-Stay Well™ Membership that provides both live and on-demand movement content. This is the client experience.
Many of these sessions are taught by our guest contributors and have fantastic skills to share! Would love to see you here too!
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